On bodilessness [5]

게임과 추모 (This Is Game, 16 April 2024)

“2020년, 코로나19로 사람들이 모이기 어려웠던 바로 그 때. ‘416을 기억하는 숙명인의 모임’은 <모여봐요 동물의 숲>을 통해 온라인에 추모공간을 만들었습니다.”

Ways of remembering [2]

Everyone in my social media circles is saying they vividly remember what they were doing on 16 April 2014. In contrast, I, known for my knack for remembering mundane details from several decades ago, cannot for the life of me recall specifics of that day. All I remember is the literal pain in my chest that followed. I couldn’t bring myself to read or watch any of the recovered messages those high schoolers sent to their loved ones in their last minutes. I probably never will be able to. I now understand what people mean when they say our brain blocks out certain memories as a self-protection mechanism. I now understand why that day is referred to as the nation’s PTSD.

“Actually, Indian”

Upon reading the article that revealed what has really been going on behind Amazon’s ‘Just Walk Out’, and appreciating social media responses such as “AI = Actually Indian”, I thought I’d save some other related readings in one place for future reference.

In search of a perfect analogy [2]

Bruce Schneier coined the term “feudal security” to describe Big Tech’s offer: “move into my fortress – lock yourself into my technology – and I will keep you safe from all the marauders roaming the land”.

But here’s the thing about trusting a warlord when he tells you that the fortress’s walls are there to keep the bad guys out: those walls also keep you in. Sure, Apple will use its control over Ios to stop Facebook from spying on you, but when Apple spies on you, no one can help you, because Apple exercises total control over all Ios programs, including any that would stop Apple from nonconsensually harvesting your data and selling access to it.

It’s a tried-and-true bullying tactic: convince your victim that only you can keep them safe so they surrender their agency to you, so the victim comes under your power and can’t escape your cruelty and exploitation. The focus on external threats is key: so long as the victim is more afraid of the dangers beyond the bully’s cage than they are of the bully, they can be lured deeper and deeper until the cage-door slams shut.

(From Cory Doctorow, “Bullies want you to think they’re on your side”, 13 March 2024, via @doctorow)

The baggage I carry [2]

Archive fever – one tweet at a time

Chapter details here.
Crossposted here.